Christel Maria Hildegard Feldmann-Kahl,
born 1952 in Wiesbaden, Germany (West-Germany).
Final college examination (Abitur). Since 1970 studies at the Universities at Tübingen, London (King`s College) and Bochum.
1973 examination in Biochemistry, Universitiy of London, Great Britain.
1975 Master of Science (Biology), University of Tübingen, Germany.
1978 qualification for High School and College-Teaching (Dortmund, Germany).
Subjects are Biology, Ethics and Chemistry.
Vice-principal of Gymnasium Alleestraße, Siegburg - retired 2015.
Muse of Horst Kahl .

Teacher of Lions Quest.
Development of an curriculum in ethics and teaching this subject since 1998 additionally.
Development of an curriculum in earthobservation by satellites an how to integrate this topic into biology-lessons; (Information technology for earth observation in education by Dornier Satellitensysteme, Daimler-Benz-Aerospace, Friedrichshafen, Germany.)
Promotion of highly motivated and interested students (on students own accord):
Cooperation with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) and publishing articles in natural sciences and pollution problems. In march 1997 students reportet about research and work at DLR, Köln-Porz.
Discussions of emancipation problems and theater-workshop. 1996/97 first prize-winner of the city of Lohmar in this subject.
Qualification to exhibit at the 6th. Forum for Young Europeans in Toulouse 1997. Two students worked on the phenomenon El Nino.
Workshop in domestic science. (Food requirements, dietics, art of cooking.)
Representing Germany ( National State Teacher of the Year 1998) at International Space Camp (NASA) in Huntsville (Alabama), summer 1998
NSTOY (National State Teacher of the Year) Conference in Fayetteville, Arkansas, summer 1999

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